DD: Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 8:03 PM
From: Alison Madden <maddenlaw94062@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 8:03 PM
Subject: Letter to Mr. Kilroy re: Oyster Cove Marina Phase 2 Upland Development & Marina
To: <optech@kilroyrealty.com>Dear Mr. Kilroy,
This email is being provided to relay a digital softcopy of a hard copy letter with attachment that is being mailed contemporaneously. I called to obtain the proper email address, and hope I have directed it to the best email address.
An email that is the “enclosures” referenced in the attached Letter follows next, and these Enclosures will also be relayed with the physical hard copy by mail.
Thank you in advance for your courteous review and consideration of our letter request.
Warm Regards,
Alison Madden
650.270.0066Read the full document here: KilroyRealtyCorpOCM_Req4Meeting_2022Jul13.pdf