The Soul Splitter
Boating Showdown Averted – For Now
Proposed rent control for floating homes will not include liveaboards at recreational marinas.
By Adam Gillitt | July 15, 2022 | 4:54 pm
Gently with the Tides: The Best of Living Aboard
by Michael L. Frankel (First published February 1st 1993)1
At one time or another almost all boaters-and many non-boaters-fantasize about leaving behind the house, lawn, and neighbors and moving aboard a boat. But leaving behind a familiar, comfortable lifestyle for the Perils Of The Sea is a quantum leap, not to be taken lightly. That so few actually make thr break has less to do with the rigors of the lifestyle than the lack of information about what it’s really like. Since 1972, Living Aboard Journal has served as an idea exchange for the members of the Homaflote Association-live-aboards from all walks of life spread all around the globe. Fueled by 18 years of the best letters, articles, and firsthand accounts from Living Aboard magazine, Gently With the Tides is a powerful testimonial to the lure and romance of living aboard a boat. It is also a compendium of the pitfalls, disappointments, and setbacks. Most of all, it is a high-octane dream-feeder for liveaboard aspirants. It will help them decide whether to, it will tell them how to, and, most important, it will fill their dreams with why to.
Source: Goodreads, Inc. ↩