August 18, 2022
This Commission meeting will be conducted in a hybrid format in accordance with SB 189 (2022). To maximize public safety while maintaining transparency and public access, members of the public can choose to participate either virtually via Zoom, by phone, or in person at the location listed below. Physical attendance at Metro Center requires that all individuals adhere to the site’s health guidelines including, if required, wearing masks, health screening, and social distancing.
BCDC strongly encourages participation virtually through the Zoom link below due to changing COVID conditions.
Metro Center
375 Beale Street
San Francisco, 415-352-3600
If you have issues joining the meeting using the link, please enter the Meeting ID and Password listed below into the ZOOM app to join the meeting.
Join the meeting via Zoom
See information on public participation
Teleconference numbers
1 (866) 590-5055
Conference Code 374334
Meeting ID
892 8332 4984
If you call in by telephone:
- Press *6 to unmute or mute yourself
- Press *9 to raise your hand or lower your hand to speak
How to Provide Comments and Comment Time Limits. The full Commission is conducting its public meetings in a hybrid fashion. Each meeting notice will specify where a meeting is being held physically and how to participate either in person or remotely. If you would like to comment at the beginning of the meeting or on an item scheduled for public discussion, you may do so in one of three ways: (1) being present at the meeting location; (2) emailing comments in advance to public comment until 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting; and, (3) participating via ZOOM during the meeting.
If you plan to participate through ZOOM, please use your ZOOM-enabled device and click on the “raise your hand” button, and then wait to speak until called upon. If you are using a telephone to call into the meeting, select *6 to unmute your phone and you will then be able to speak. We ask that everyone use the mute button when not speaking. It is also important that you not put your phone on hold. Each speaker may be limited to a maximum of three minutes or less at the discretion of the Chair during the public comment period. Any speakers who exceed the time limits or interfere with the meeting may be muted by the Chair. It is strongly recommended that public comments be submitted in writing so they can be distributed to all Commission members in advance of the meeting for review. You are encouraged to submit written comments of any length and detailed information to the staff prior to the meeting at the email address above, which will be distributed to the Commission members.
Internet Access to Commission Meeting Material. Public notices of Commission meetings and staff reports dealing with most matters on the meeting agendas can be found on BCDC's website. Simply access Commission Meetings under the “Public Meetings” tab on the website and select the date of the meeting.
How do I contact the Commission?
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission
375 Beale St., Suite 510
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415.352.3600
Fax: 888.348.5190