June 26, 2023
Welcome to Liveaboards, United!
Liveaboards, United! is inviting you to our regular Zoom meeting to form an active liveaboard community.
Please join us every Monday at 7 pm for our regularity zoom meeting:
Proposed mandate (Please add your suggestions via email to liveaboardsunited@gmail.com as this is proposed.)
- Lobby BCDC positively and proactively (and relatively consistently in public comments, both email and spoken) to raise the # of LAs permitted in any marina within BCDC jurisdiction to "within harbormaster discretion up to 25%."
- Lobby BCDC to uncouple the LA policy from the recreation policy.
- Lobby BCDC to remove "no houseboats" from permits, and allow "houseboats" in a # "within harbormaster discretion up to 10%" (this is what I believe was the origin in 1969 and the first Bay Plan - that "houseboats" was up to 10% not "all LAs" (we need to find the trail).
- Lobby BCDC to clarify that "houseboat" does not preclude vessels based on a form factor of "flat top" or colloquially called a houseboat (like a Delta cruiser), if it has an outboard and can motor on its own propulsion in and out of a slip and around a marina then it's not a houseboat (gets to the "fixed fill" view they have of "houseboat").
- Ensuring that tenants rights apply to Liveaboards (TPA).
- Ensuring Security among liveaboards.
- Ensuring the environmental protection of the San Francisco Bay.
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Passcode: 800045
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